Safety Information

Based on Safety Study Reports from:

National Safety Counsel.
Consumer Product Safety Commission.

  • Currently each year over 23,000 deaths and 3.5 million disabling injuries form Slip/Fall accidents occur in the home, alone. Over 9-million Work place falls result in 13,000 relate deaths.
  • Advocates of Bathroom Safety are astounded by the high incidence of bathing-related deaths according to the above agency studies and their reports stating that one person dies everyday from using bathtub/showers in the United States. Of the 24,000 accidental deaths every year of people over the age of 65, most are bathing related.
  • Bathtub related deaths during a three year study period exceeded those due to handgun accidents, all forms of road vehicles accidents, ladder and scaffolding falls.
  • Because bathtub related deaths occur suddenly and in a supposedly protective environment, these deaths tend to cause a greater degree of psychological trauma for the families.
  • After swimming pools, the bathtub is the second major site of drowning in the home. Reports concluded that those with the least control over their environments were the young and the elderly, having the greatest risk of drowning. Bathtub related drowning cut across age, sex and race barriers leaving all people prone to deaths in the common household bathtub.
  • On an average 370 persons of all ages sustain injuries from bathtub/showers daily in the United States alone.
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission reports one years bathtub/shower injuries as high as 139,616. Those between 25 to 64 accounted for 37% of all tub/shower injuries. The most vulnerable were the elderly at 20% which was more then any other appliance or exercise equipment in the home.
  • Children under 5 years old accounted for 25% of tub related deaths. Leaving 38% of young adults having tub related accidents too. The National Safety Counsel reports that 30% of all home accidents are due to falls, the sixth leading cause of death. Falls that result in 200,000 hip fractures, and 25% of all hospital admission for people over 65. The Bathroom is the primary location for most of these falls.
  • The greatest danger in the bathroom is slipping and falling on the hard tub and shower tile surfaces which make for unsafe bathing conditions in older homes as well as new.
  • Reports show that review of current designs of porcelain or fiberglass bathtubs, spa's, and showers suggest that safety was never a major manufacturing issue and not part of design factors both in old and new homes built today. Public Safety Due Diligence has change that.

Why Not Slip Grip? Mom's response to Slip Grip? "Its About Time".

Is it time for your home to be Slip Gripped?
A simple check by rubbing your wet fingers hard on questionable floors will determine if your safe from slip and falls or not. Are all the walking surfaces slippery or even partially slippery in tubs, showers and bathroom floors?

Is Slip Grip needed today? Its your home, make it safe or be an accident or worse, waiting to happen?

$10,000.00 + Lost per Slip / Fall Accident:

According to Aetna Insurance stats:
for Guest Slip/Falls in Tubs and Showers accounting for much of the 50% of claims made in the Hotel Industry

Less worry of employees slipping and falling in the work place.
Less time spent looking for a legal representation.
Less time spent counting money lost or increasing insurance premiums.

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