New BOT 3000e Meter, shows the minimums, and much higher with Slip Grip Treatments & SG Pro Stone Friction Sealer.
What is the DCOF AcuTest?
The DCOF AcuTest is an evaluation of the COF of a tile surface under known conditions using a standardized sensor prepared according to a specific protocol. Measurements are made with the BOT-3000, an automated and
portable device that measures DCOF. The ANSI standard A326.3–
2014 also allows the use of other equivalent tribometers.
The DCOF AcuTest COF measurement is not a property of the flooring but rather a measurement of the interaction between the sensor, the lubricant, and the tile surface under controlled conditions. It is useful to allow comparison between surfaces or to evaluate how a surface has changed over time. However, while the DCOF AcuTest can provide a useful comparison of tile surfaces, it cannot, nor can any other device, predict the likelihood a person will or will not slip on a tile surface. Because many variables affect the risk of a slip occurring, the DCOF AcuTest measurement shall not be the only factor in determining the appropriateness of a tile for a particular application.
For more information on DCOF please feel free to contact us: